22 March 2012

Heirloom Carrot Salad

Heirloom seems to be all the rage in restaurants of late. I didn't really take much notice until I was wandering around Boroondara Farmer's Market one weekend and came across some cheerful bunches of organic heirloom carrots at one of the stalls. So I decided to see what all the fuss was about. After much agonising I ended up roasting them and chucking them in a salad. Here's what I used.

heirloom carrots (I had one purple bunch and one of cream/orange)
- roast these in the oven until soft with some olive oil, cumin, cinnamon, paprika and a bit of salt. Leave to cool.
bunch of watercress
pomegranate seeds
good quality goats cheese crumbled
fresh mint leaves torn
toasted pine nuts
lemon zest grated

dress with extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice and salt

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